A couple of months back, I wrote about The Dip—the difficult, depressing period you encounter when doing anything substantial. I recently found a delightful Twitter thread by @HarrowerSophie where she documents her PhD journey through titles of chapters of Famous Five novels. Look at some of these tweets and you’ll recognize the dip:
It starts of great
You make quick progress:
Then the dip starts:
The dip has much emotional turmoil:
And you feel like this project has been a disaster:
and only later do things start looking up:
I guess Sophie is still not done with her PhD so hasn’t yet reached the final part of the curve (the “plateau of productivity”) but she will.
I know this newsletter is supposed to be full of long paragraphs of text that feel like homework to read. Hopefully, we’ll be back to something like that next week.
Hello! I'm Sophie - the original poster of the thread - and I just stumbled upon this page. Thank you so much for sharing it - I'm glad you were able to relate to my silly little tweets! Seeing them here really made my day. I definitely haven't reached the "plateau of productivity" yet (I think I'm slowly climbing out of the "trough of disillusionment") but fingers crossed I do soon!